Monday, October 29, 2007

:Long time no Layout

For anyone curious enough. Yes, I am in the animation program and yes, my time is consumed by its work load. I would like to share with you a couple of layouts I have been commissioned, by my teachers, to create in exchange for a passing grade (I hope...)

For anyone with an eye and an opinion I ask that you share yours with me. This here is 2/3 of all my layout experiance so I ask that you help me find what works and what doesn't by dropping me some feedback. However, a "hello" will do aswell :)

1 comment:

Adrian Brisland said...

'hello,' haha.

pros: yr plant, i think the style of it fits the layout.

if you really want a con; it seems like the projector is really big for the back room, well drawn tho.

sweet stuff overall man.